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Petition: Fairness for Bridgepoint Health staff

26 May 2016

TO: Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health
WHEREAS the Nursing and Paramedical staff of Bridgepoint Hospital, which is now a part of the Sinai Health System, are currently negotiating a collective agreement for April 1st 2014 to March 31st, 2016, and;
WHEREAS other bargaining units in the province have received wage increases of 1.4 per cent per year and;
WHEREAS management at Bridgepoint Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital have received wage increases and performance bonuses that are substantially higher than 1.4 per cent, and;
WHEREAS while Nursing and Paramedical staff at Bridgepoint have been extremely modest in their goals, management have refused to offer a wage increase similar to other bargaining units and demand Allied Health staff accept substantial wage schedule reductions;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT We, the undersigned, hereby call upon the Minister of Health to ensure that Bridgepoint Hospital treats all of its employees fairly by: 1) offering Nursing and Paramedical staff a wage increase of at least the 1.4%, in parity with the increases received by comparable bargaining units in the province; and 2) leaving intact the existing CUPE Local 79 Nurses and Paramedical wage schedule (i.e., step increases).
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