A holiday message from CUPE Local 79 President Tim Maguire.
Greetings Sisters and Brothers of Local 79,
2012 was quite a year for all of us at Local 79. It was the worst of times; it was the best of times!
The year started out with an extremely tough and tense set of negotiations with the City. It was winter, and the bargaining was chilly, but the solidarity and support you provided to the Bargaining Committee made all the difference. Thank you.
2012 was also a coming out year for our union. Our ‘Taking Care of Toronto’ campaign was in full swing and our community engagement was at its highest level ever. Throughout the spring, summer and fall Local 79 members participated actively in events across the City. You became the face of public services for all the residents of our great City. We’ve grown a lot as a union this year.
And we’ll continue to grow in 2013. We will face whatever challenges lie ahead – together – as a union. There is hope in our Solidarity!
Over the course of the year we had many successes that can be attributed to the direct actions and engagement of Local 79 members. Communication is always the key for effective campaigns. Our first-ever e-mail campaign resulted in our members bombarding provincial politicians and Premier Dalton McGuinty for urgently needed funds for child care. It worked. More money was announced for child care and we helped score a political victory.
Local 79 members were instrumental in the reinstatement of the Youth Outreach Workers in Parks, Forestry & Recreation, whose jobs were slated for deletion. Local 79’s political action and lobbying efforts won the day when City Council voted to restore these front-line jobs.
None of these accomplishments and victories would have been possible without the tireless work of the Local 79 staff, Executive Committee & Board, our hard working Stewards and members who have been willing to engage.
We will get through the challenges that lie ahead. There is hope in our work and solidarity.
So let us celebrate the upcoming holiday season as the strong, diverse union we are. Diversity is the strength of this union, and this City.
Wishing you health, happiness and peace in the coming year.
In Solidarity,
Tim Maguire
President, CUPE Local 79