News Releases

City Stonewalling to blame for bargaining delays, says CUPE 79 President Ann Dembinski

10 November 2011

“We have repeatedly asked them to provide us with necessary financial information. Time and again, the Employer has refused to do so”

TORONTO, ON—The City of Toronto’s decision yesterday to file a frivolous labour practices complaint “does nothing to move bargaining forward and is not helpful in any way,” the President of the City’s largest union Local said today.

Ann Dembinski, President of Local 79 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 79) was responding to reports that the City of Toronto had filed a complaint claiming that Local 79 was bargaining in bad faith, citing delays in coming to the bargaining table.

“Local 79 remains committed to negotiating four collective agreements with the City that are fair to our members and respect the services our members provide to the residents of Toronto. In order for us to achieve this, it is imperative that the City provide Local 79 with access to all its detailed financial data,” said Dembinski.

Since serving Local 79 with Notice to Bargain last month, the City has repeatedly cited a purported $774 million projected deficit to justify its bargaining objectives.

“Many City Councillors, media commentators and a broad swath of the public have serious questions about this claim. In order for us to prepare effective bargaining proposals, it is essential that we have a clear and accurate picture of the City’s finances,” said Dembinski.

“Local 79 has requested this information on several occasions. Time and again, the employer has refused to provide it,” she added.

The City’s refusal to provide this necessary information has been a major stumbling block to Local 79 being able to prepare effective bargaining proposals.

“The Employer’s decision to both bargain in the media and to file a frivolous unfair labour practices complaint does nothing to move bargaining forward and is not helpful in any way,” said Dembinski.


For more information, contact:

Kevin Wilson
CUPE Communications

Tor Sandberg
CUPE Local 79 Communications
416-977-1629 x509