News Releases

Cleaners Confront City Hall

26 July 2011

Dealing with Hepatitis, scabies, urine, HIV and blood are part of the job

(Toronto) – Police Station Heavy Duty Cleaners made an impassioned and very personal appeal today at the Government Management Committee to save the services they provide.

“We have difficult and dirty jobs. We clean cells at police stations, and this often brings us in contact with bed bugs, scabies, Hepatitis, blood and other bodily fluids. I regularly have to get my health checked working in this environment,” Police facilities cleaner Trish O’Brien said.

Toronto Police Services has recommended that the City contract out the work of cleaners in police facilities. CUPE Local 79 is calling on the city to retain all cleaning jobs and insure that workers are treated with dignity.

“We work in high security areas and have the confidence of the police officers we work with. We deal with difficult individuals and disgusting environments. I challenge any City Councillor to do my job,” added O’Brien.

Ann Dembinski, CUPE 79 President stated, “These are tough jobs, yet the city wants to contract out these particular Police Service jobs without even letting them go to Council for a debate. We want to have transparency in the process and a chance to tell all Councillors what is at stake.”

More information contact:

Tor Sandberg
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79
416-977-1629 (X509)