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A discussion on confronting anti-Black racism

15 June 2020

Confronting anti-black racism: a discussion

On June 10, 2020, CUPE Local 79’s Human Rights Committee hosted a virtual discussion about confronting anti-Black racism, featuring Black community leaders Louis March, Akilah Haneef-Jabari and Desmond Cole.

If you missed the event, you can watch our recordings of it below. Watch the event’s organizer, Local 79 Equity Vice-President Avaline Miller, introduce the evening, as well as our featured speakers, as they speak about white supremacy and the issues that affect Black communities here in Canada.

Thank you to everyone who participated and engaged in this important discussion.

Avaline Miller – Local 79 Equity Vice-President

Louis March is the founder and director of the Zero Gun Violence Movement in Toronto and has been a volunteer community worker and advocate in the Black community for several years. His work has primarily been focused on youth issues such as unemployment, education, gun violence, family and cultural awareness

Akilah Haneef-Jabari is an anti-racism advisor, consultant and trainer at Jabari Community Services. She is also a clinical social worker. She has been a community advocate in the areas of policing, justice, child welfare and education for over three decades.

Desmond Cole is a Canadian journalist, activist, author, and broadcaster. He hosts a weekly radio program on Newstalk 1010, was previously a columnist for the Toronto Star and has written many publications. Desmond is also the author of the national bestselling book: The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power.