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CUPE Local 79 signs letter urging transparency over dealings with Sidewalk Labs

29 October 2019

Local 79 President Dave Mitchell has joined a group of academics, business leaders and experts in signing an open letter urging Waterfront Toronto, the organization administering the redevelopment of Toronto’s waterfront, to show transparency in its private dealings with SideWalk Labs. The Google subsidiary has proposed plans to acquire public land to build a data-driven smart district on the city’s eastern waterfront, but many of the plans have remained secret.
Torontonians have a right to know what public lands and resources WaterfrontToronto – a public corporation – negotiates over. For the public to have faith in Waterfront Toronto’s October 31 decision, SideWalk Labs’ detailed plans must be made public so that we can make sure that any decisions made are in the very best interest of Torontonians.