This year marks Local 79’s 70th Annivesary, and we’re celebrating by taking a look back at our union’s history.
Lots of members showed off their research skills in our Local 79 History Quiz, but there could only be three winners of a brand new iPod Touch!
Now that the quiz is over, take a look at the answers:
1. Who was Local 79’s first President?
Bert Merson
2. When was Local 79’s Charter issued?
3. In what year was Local 79 legislated back to work?
4. What event in Toronto’s history resulted in CUPE Local 79’s membership doubling?
Toronto Amalgamation
5. Name three former Local 79 Presidents.
Lots of options here!
6. When did Local 79 first participate in the Pride parade?
7. Who was Local 79’s first female President?
Anne Dubas
8. In a 1985 “Letter to the Editor”, Local 79 President Steven David wrote a scathing rebuke of the Globe’s editorial that claimed pay equity was not a serious problem. What was the title of his letter?
Pernicious Position
9. On what date did Local 79 send out its first “Tweet” with its @cupelocal79 Twitter account?
July 3rd, 2011
10. What was the front-page headline of the December 1976 edition of the Local 79 publication News and Views? (Answer available only at Local 79’s June membership meeting)