On Wednesday, February 28th, 2018 — Local 79 celebrated Black History Month to our best-ever attended annual event!
Attendees were treated to five fantastic guest speakers: Ken Amoroso, Past CUPE Local 79 Membership Secretary & Chair of Local 79’s Retirees Committee; Don Styles, CUPE National Representative; Aubrey Gonsalves, President of CUPE Local 2316 and Family Service Worker at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto; Tina Garnett, CUPE 2316 Equity Executive & Black Education Awareness Coordinator at the Children’s Aid Society; and Louis March, Founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement and past Communications Director of the African Canadian heritage Association — who discussed the theme: Embracing the past, the present, and welcoming the future. We were also treated to performances by a Toronto African drum group, and fantastic Caribbean food!
Kudos to Local 79’s Equity Vice-President Avaline Miller and Human Rights Committee for a wonderfully organized event!