
Help Save Peel child Care

06 September 2012

President Tim Maguire asks Local 79 members in Peel Region to take action on the closing of 12 child care centres and the elimination of over 850 child care spaces in Peel.

To:               CUPE Local 79 members in Peel Region


On September 13th at the upcoming Peel Regional Council meeting, the Peel Early Learning and Child Care Task Force will be recommending the closure of all twelve ‘Learn.Play.Care’ regionally-operated child care centres.

Despite there being options that could keep these centres financially viable, the Task Force recommended to close all twelve centres anyway.

Before this controversial move to close the centres, Peel Region was recognized as a municipal leader in children’s services, and has been highly regarded for decades in delivering innovative, consistently high-quality early childhood education, child care and special needs services.

These centres, like other municipally-operated centres, serve the highest need families and children, and set benchmarks for quality and professional best-practices against which other community-based centres are measured.  Now they are under the very real threat of being closed down.

In January, when this issue was first brought to Council, it was the overwhelming response of the community that halted the closure – until now.


Regional Councillors need to hear that:

If you vote to close Peel’s child care, you have lost my vote.

And I am not the only person who feels this way.


The decision to close 12 child care centres and eliminate over 850 child care spaces in Peel is unnecessary, as there are options that would make these centres financially viable.

Parents have not been consulted about these options, and they have not been fully considered as an alternative to complete closure of the entire system.



Here are things you can do immediately to voice your concerns:


Meeting face-to-face works best to get your message across.

(See accompanying list of Councillors, below, and contact information or go to Local 79’s website www.cupelocal79.org and access the Members Portal)

  1. Plan to attend the Peel Council meeting on SEPTEMBER 13th

10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A & B, Brampton.

  1. Call and get your name on the DEPUTATION LIST in order to have a chance to speak at the September 13th meeting.


       4.  Speak to neighbours and friends in the community about the issue. This issue affects everyone, especially people who may have children one day in the future and would be facing a child care shortage in their neighbourhood as a result of this decision.


The Peel Regional Council will vote TO CLOSE all

12 municipal child care centres on September 13 at 9:30 a.m.


Contact Info for the 24 Peel Regional Councillors:

 Caledon (905) 584-2272


Marolyn Morrison, Mayor

Office: 905-584-2272, Fax: 905-584-4325

Email: marolyn.morrison@caledon.ca


Patti Foley, Ward 5

Office: 905-584-2272, Fax: 905-584-4325

Email: patti.foley@caledon.ca


Richard Paterak, Ward 1

Office: 905-584-2272, Fax: 905-584-4325

Email: Richard.paterak@caledon.ca


Allan Thompson, Ward 2

Office: 416-319-6543, Fax: 905-584-4325

Email: allan.thompson@caledon.ca


Richard Whitehead, Ward 3 & 4

Office: 905-880-0911, Fax: 905-880-2385

Email: r.richard.whitehead@caledon.ca


Brampton (905) 874-2616

Susan Fennell, Mayor

Office: 905-874-2600, Fax: 905-874-2620

Email: mayor@brampton.ca


Sandra Hames, Wards 7 & 8

(Chinguacousy, Greenbriar, Howden)

Office: 905-874-2611, Fax: 905-874-2644

Email: Sandra.hames@brampton.ca


Gael Miles, Wards 7 & 8

(Chinguacousy, Greenbriar)

Office: 905-874-2671, Fax: 905-874-2644

Email: Office: gael.miles@brampton.ca


Elaine Moore, Wards 1 & 5

(Brampton West)

Office: 905-874-2601, Fax: 905-874-2644

Email: Elaine.moore@brampton.ca


Paul Palleschi, Wards 2 & 6

Office: 905-874-2661, Fax: 905-874-2644

Email: paul.palleschi@brampton.ca


John Sanderson, Wards 3 & 4


Office: 905-874-2634, Fax: 905-874-2644

Email: john.sanderson@brampton.ca


MISSISSAUGA (905) 896-5081


Hazel McCallion, Mayor

Office: 905-896-5555, Fax: 905-896-5879

Email: mayor@mississauga.ca


George Carlson, Ward 11


Office: 905-896-5011, Fax: 905-896-5863

Email: george.carlson@mississauga.ca


Bonnie Crombie, Ward 5

(Lancaster, Malton)

Office: 905-896-5500, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: bonne.crombie@mississauga.ca


Frank Dale, Ward 4


Office: 905-896-5400, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: frank.dale@mississauga.ca


Chris Fonseca, Ward 3

(Ernest Majury)

Office: 905-896-5300, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: chris.fonseca@mississauga.ca


Nando Iannicca, Ward 7


Office: 905-896-5700, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: nando.iannicca@mississauga.ca


Katie Mahoney, Ward 8


Office: 905-896-5800, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: Katie.mahoney@mississauga.ca


Sue McFadden, Ward 10

Office: 905-896-5010, Fax: 905-896-5863

Email: sue.mcfadden@mississauga.ca


Patricia Mullin, Ward 2

Office: 905-896-5200, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: pat.mullin@mississauga.ca


Pat Saito, Ward 9

Office: 905-896-5900, Fax: 905-896-5863

Email: pat.saito@mississauga.ca


Ron Starr, Ward 6

Office: 905-896-5600, Fax: 905-896-5463

Email: ron.starr@mississauga.ca