
Jan. 26: Rally for Rights and Democracy

18 January 2013

The Ontario government has been shut down while workers’ rights are under threat and cuts to jobs and services are hurting every community.

Where: Allan Gardens Toronto
Time: 1:00 pm
Date: Saturday, January 26th, 2013

The 2012 Ontario Budget slashed funding and threatened thousands of jobs that are essential to the delivery of vital public services that support every community. Meanwhile the Ontario Liberal government maintained corporate tax cuts that continue to bleed $15 billion from the province every year. This fall, McGuinty’s Liberals, with the backing of Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives, passed Bill 115 – an unprecedented law stripping educational workers of their most basic democratic rights. By cheating teachers and educational support staff of the right to strike and the right to bargain collectively with their employer, the Liberals and Conservatives have established a precedent that threatens the rights of every worker in Ontario.

Now the Ontario Legislature has been prorogued while public services and workers’ rights continue to hang in limbo. However, with a provincial election on the horizon, workers and community members across the province can demand new priorities for Ontario that put people ahead of corporate profit.

The Ontario Federation of Labour and community allies have launched a campaign to defend the democratic and economic rights of everyone. The campaign will bring the fight for rights and democracy directly to the doorstep of every Member of Provincial Parliament in the lead- up to the Ontario Election. It has already started with regional town hall community meetings across the province and it will culminate in a mass rally at the Ontario Liberal Leadership Convention in Toronto on January 26, 2013.

Get involved in the campaign! Help build labour-community coalitions in every community! Mobilize for January 26 to defend the democratic and economic rights of everyone!

Website: www.ofl.ca/index.php/campaigns/DemocraticRights
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/489963847693178
Twitter Hashtag: #J26Rally