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16 September 2010

Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Flickr are what people call ‘social media’.  They’re a great way to stay connected to your friends and the places you’re engaged and interested in.

CUPE Local 79 has a dedicated presence on social media sites. Come chat and get the latest on what’s happening at CUPE Local 79.


Click the Facebook icon on the right to be taken to our Facebook page. If you have an account there, click “Like” at the top of the page you’re taken to in order to get updates in your Facebook feed.


Twitter is the wildly popular micro-blogging social media site. Click on the Twitter icon to the right to be taken to our Twitter feed. Once you’re there, click on “Follow” to keep getting our updates.


Take a look at the photos and from all the events Local 79 puts on and share them with your friends on our Flickr page. Click on the Flickr icon to the right to access our Flickr account.