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Join the Rally April 21st: Ontario Day of Action Against the Cuts

12 April 2012

We must stop the cuts to public services in the Ontario Budget


If McGuinty’s 2012 Budget is passed, everyone — every family, community, city and town – will be the poorer for it.

As Local 79 members you know all too well what it means when governments say they are going to cut services, cut jobs in order to balance the budget.

The provincial budget is threatening to cut services, leaving 400 jobs on the chopping block. Many of these budget cuts will devastate some of our City’s most vulnerable families.

As front-line workers delivering services to residents of the City of Toronto, you know the value and the need for public health, child care centres, shelters, hostels, youth outreach programs, long term care homes, affordable housing and social services.

What’s not in the budget is also harmful. There was no mention of child care in this budget. Lack of funding will destabilize the whole child care system in Toronto, causing child care centres to close, and put families at risk who need child care in order to work. Local 79 strongly supports NDP leader Andrea Horwath’s budget proposal to protect 4,000 existing child care spaces – 2,000 of which are in the City of Toronto.

This Rally is for families, communities, cities and towns. We’re all in this together.

Click here to RSVP to the event on Facebook.