President's Reports

June 2011 President's Report

13 June 2011

Dear Fellow Local 79 Member:

It has come to the attention of Local 79 that the City is requesting blood and urine testing from some of our members who are attending Employee Health and Rehabilitation. Our lawyers have sent a letter to the Manager of Employee Health and Rehabilitation registering our objections, in the strongest possible terms, to the possibility that our members may be subjected to this requirement. If you will be attending Employee Health and Rehabilitation, or if you are asked to provide blood and urine samples, please contact the Local 79 office at (416) 977 1629 extension 227 or 233.

All of you have probably received from the City a document describing the City’s “Ideas that Work” program. The program’s purpose is to ask employees for ideas on how the City can find efficiencies and cost savings. Local 79 believes that the public services provided by the employees of the City are essential and integral to the maintenance and enhancement of the City and the well being of all of the City’s diverse residents. If you choose to respond to the “Ideas that Work” program, there is nothing wrong with expressing pride in your job and the importance of your work to the City. Local 79 trusts that the public understands the importance of the services that you provide and the necessity to ensure their continuation through the hard work and dedication of you and other dedicated employees of the City.

Local 79 believes that the City’s current leadership has a narrow and ideological driven definition of public services. It supposes that many of the public services provided by Local 79 members should either be eliminated or performed by private sector contractors at substantially reduced wage rates. Unless the City is prepared to seriously examine the revenue side of its balance sheet, the budget invariably will be balanced on the backs of its workers and those most in need of City services.

I would like to remind you that Local 79 provides a number of services for our membership. Representatives are available to provide expert advice on WSIB (workers’ compensation), health and safety, and benefits. If you need help with WSIB claims, occupational health and safety issues, long-term disability benefits, or health and dental benefits, our dedicated personnel can offer assistance. For WSIB and disability questions, call 416 977-1629, ext. 227 or 233; for health and safety questions, call 416 977-1629, ext. 236 or 239; for questions regarding your health and dental benefits, call 416 977-1629 ext. 226.

The Local 79 Annual Retirees’ Recognition and Awards Tea will be held on Thursday, June 23rd. This event recognizes the contribution of our active retirees, and is an opportunity for Local 79 to express our appreciation for their efforts. Our retirees always tell us how much they enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new ones at this event.

On Sunday July 3rd, Local 79 will have an entry in Toronto’s annual Pride Parade. Members who would like to participate should meet at 1:00 p.m. on Bloor Street, between Church & Jarvis, and look for our entry. There will be music for your enjoyment and a limited number of CUPE Local 79 T-shirts will be available. You must bring your union membership card to receive one. For more information, please call Linda Rose at 416-977-1629 ext. 222.

Local 79’s annual Summer Picnic will be on July 20th and 21st at Wild Water Kingdom, starting at 11:00 a.m. both days. This is one of Local 79’s most popular and enjoyable events, and all members are invited and encouraged to attend with their families. Parking, and the use of the picnic area, is free for Local 79 members. There is a charge of $7.00 per person for the use of the water park. Remember to bring your union membership card or a pay stub, bathing suits and lunch for a great day of summer fun. You will also be able to purchase meal tickets for $3 each ticket.

Attention all Local 79 golfers! Local 79’s 2nd Annual Golf Tournament will take place on September 12th at Deer Creek Golf Club, 2700 Audley Road North, Ajax. Please mark this date in your calendar! For additional information, please contact Ainsworth Hamilton at or call (416) 977-1629 ext. 245.

In solidarity,

Ann Dembinski