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Local 79 member recieves Emergency Medical Dispatcher of the Year Award

16 April 2014

Local 79 member Norman Rivera receives an award from Toronto EMS Chief Paul Raftis


Local 79 member Norman Rivera received the Emergency Medical Dispatcher of the Year Award today from Toronto EMS Chief Paul Raftis at the annual Toronto EMS awards event. Brother Rivera has worked as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher for eight years, and, according to EMS, “He exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding 911 call taker. He is calm and professional  whether the emergency is a large multi-patient incident like the recent ice storm when he did not hesitate to work sixteen hours to help his colleagues and the people of Toronto in need, or helping a father to deliver his new baby by giving clear instructions over the phone.”

Norman was selected for this award for his “ability to perform with excellence under the most difficult circumstances”. This is well-deserved public recognition of the valuable work that he does as a City of Toronto Emergency Medical Dispatcher and a fitting tribute to his dedication and hard work. Local 79 is proud that he is one of our members and offers our congratulations.