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Local 79 takes Toronto Public Health to task over elimination of Flex-Time

29 June 2017

On Tuesday, Local 79 visited the offices of Toronto Public Health to push the Division to find a resolution on flex-time.
A year ago, Toronto Public Health (TPH) cancelled the Compressed Workweek program that helped workers in TPH balance work-life with home-life.
Local 79 pressed TPH into considering an alternative flex-time program and last fall we met with many members to get their input on what that program should include.
We recently presented our alternative flex-time proposal to TPH, and they walked away from the table.
Their actions show little regard for employee health and wellness, which is significantly improved by flexible work hours and ultimately benefits the work employees perform.
The new Medical Officer of Health has an opportunity to show her commitment to health and wellness in her workplaces by negotiating a fair flex-time program.
It’s time to tell Toronto Public Health that they need to come back to the table and negotiate a flex-time program that works for everyone.