
Local 79 Supports City Recommendations Urging the Province to Increase Funding for Long-Term Care

06 December 2013

December 3, 2013

Councillor Anthony Perruzza, Chair
And Members, Community Development and Recreation Committee
100 Queen Street West
10th Floor, West Tower
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2N2


Dear Councillor Perruzza, and Members of the Community Economic Development Committee:

Re: Agenda Item # CD25.7 – Provincial Health System Funding Reform Related to Long-Term Care Homes and Services

On behalf of CUPE Local 79, I wish to express our support for the recommendations contained in this agenda item urging the provincial government to: increase the operating funding for residents; ensure that health system funding reform results in funding equity; and increase the long-term care home construction funding.

Over the next two decades, the number of Ontarians aged 65 years and older is expected to double. In order for quality care to continue to be delivered to our frail and elderly population, it is imperative that the City’s Long-Term Care Homes and Services, challenged even now by the increased demands, have the appropriate financial resources to meet future requirements.

This agenda item is reinforcing a recommendation from the Service Efficiency Study (SES) on Long-Term Care Homes and Services submitted to the City Manager in August 2012, where it was suggested that the City intensify its advocacy efforts to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for adequate and equitable funding. CUPE Local 79 is in complete agreement with this SES recommendation.

A report titled “Living Longer, Living Well”, submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Minister Responsible for Seniors on recommendations to Inform a Seniors Strategy for Ontario in December 20, 2012 stated:

Older Ontarians have helped to build our country and our province and remain a vital part of our society. They represent our grandparents, our parents, our uncles and aunts, our brothers and sisters, our neighbours, and our friends. They continuously help shape our society by sharing their experience, knowledge, expertise, and wisdom. They have been contributing to our economy longer than any other age group. Indeed, the contributions of older Ontarians continue to be wide-ranging and significant. They are volunteers, mentors, leaders, caregivers, and skilled workers who offer an abundance of experience to their families, workplaces, and communities. As such, the resilience and sustainability of our society will also depend on their continued contributions.

The Premier and the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care must acknowledge the unique challenges that the City of Toronto faces in properly serving our aging population, and adjust the funding formula for Long-Term Care accordingly. Our seniors deserve nothing less.

Yours truly,

Tim Maguire

c.c. Premier Kathleen Wynne
      Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
      Reg Paul, General Manager Long-Term Care Homes and Services