On Thursday, October 13th, 2011, Local 79 held its Health and Safety Summit in the beautiful Great Hall of St. Lawrence Hall. The Summit brought out more than 150 members of the Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) that incorporate both Local 79 members and representatives from City management.
The Summit began with introductions from Local 79 First Vice-President Tim Maguire (who also led the conference as Master of Ceremonies), Local 79 President Ann Dembinski, and Alison Anderson, HR Director from Occupational Health and Safety.
A presentation on health and safety perspectives featured Local 79 Executive Board Member Fred Taylor, who looked at the past, present, and future of those perspectives; and the City’s Cindy O’Brien, who focused on driving cultural change in health and safety.
The Summit featured a special presentation by OFL Occupational Health and Safety director Vern Edwards, which provided a detailed look at Bill 160: the Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act.
The afternoon’s session began with an interactive presentation on effective JHSC recommendations, facilitated by CUPE National Health and Safety representative Blain Morin and the City’s Occupational Health & Safety Manger, Michael Amyotte.
A panel followed, which focused on the JHSC’s role in improving health and safety and targeting zero injuries. The panel featured Local 79 Health and Safety’s Keith Fiering and Glenda McElwain, along with the City’s Al Mercury and Karen Spencer of Occupation Health, Safety and Disability.
The Summit concluded with Local 79’s Health and Safety Awards, where Local 79 President Ann Dembinksi presented the Outstanding JHSC Award to Local 79’s Bryan McGuire and the City’s Kim Kilburm, Co-Chairs of the Municipal Licensing and Standards JHSC. Nancy Martin, Worker Co-Chair, won the Outstanding Co-Chair Award for her excellent work in the downtown Toronto Employment and Social Services JHSC.
Take a look at the slideshow below to get a glimpse of the health and safety action. Click on a photo to get its caption.