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Maguire cautions City on implementation of new time attendance and scheduling system

25 September 2017

Tim Maguire deputes about Kronos at Government Management Committee
Kronos, the City’s new time attendance and scheduling system, continues its roll-out across City divisions. Before the City injects additional funding into the project to continue its expansion, Tim Maguire told members of the Government Management Committee that they need to make sure the system that’s already been implemented is working. During labour-management meetings, we’ve heard from members about some of their problems, and priorities, for the Kronos system: more predictability and stability in scheduling for part-time staff, a faster system to reduce spent time on data entry, and updated technology for responding to scheduling changes and operational demands.

September 25, 2017
Councillor Paul Ainslie, Chair
And Members of the Government Management Committee
10th Floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Dear Councillor Ainslie and Committee Members,
RE:      GM22.15 Request to Amend Purchase Order No. 6041647 with Kronos Canadian     Systems Inc. for the Cross Application Timesheet System and Time Attendance and             Scheduling System Project
Local 79 is open to technological improvements that improve service delivery and processes, and that make work and scheduling easier for our members.
Although the increase being considered today is relatively small in terms of total project scope, the total value of Purchase Order No. 6041647 with Kronos Canadian Systems Inc. now exceeds $4 million dollars. If the City is increasing expenditure on a major corporate initiative it needs to ensure the system works, especially as these new funds are directed towards expansion. Implementation of both the provincial Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) and federal Phoenix pay system have demonstrated the potential for new software to create more problems than it solves, with costly repercussions.
As the Kronos system rolls out division by division, we have heard from our members about their challenges, and priorities, for time attendance and scheduling. Some frontline staff have expressed anxiety about feeling pressured to make the system “right” in light of inefficiencies and deficiencies. Local 79 has already shared some of these concerns at the divisional level during labour-management meetings. We wish to take this opportunity to share some of these issues with the Committee.

  • Speed and usability of the system needs to be improved to reduce time spent on data entry.
  • Staff need adequate training on using the system, with ongoing/refresher training as needed.
  • Problems with reported pay discrepancies for part-time staff need to be addressed, and greater detail is needed on pay stubs (i.e. Recreation workers who work at multiple sites in different program areas).
  • Part-time staff would like to see more predictability in scheduling with guaranteed hours of work. Under the current system, staff in Parks, Forestry & Recreation; Shelter, Support & Housing Administration; and Long-Term Care Homes and Services, are expected to be available without any guaranteed hours of work.
  • The system should provide options for part-time staff to request consistent work locations and view site-specific shift availability and work opportunities. Currently, some divisions require part-time staff to submit availability for multiple work sites not knowing where they will end up. During our labour management consultations, Local 79 heard from a single mother with young children who must work at 8 different Community Centres to cobble together a full work week.
  • A modernized time attendance and scheduling system needs to include technological advancements for responding to scheduling changes and operational demands. For example, in many divisions, staff receive a telephone call when a shift is available, whereas options to receive a text alert should be considered.
  • The Kronos employee portal should improve and broaden opportunities to view and update skills and certification, and learn about training opportunities at the City.

Local 79 requests a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Chief Information Officer, Information & Technology for their consideration.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Tim Maguire