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Public engagement campaign: Taking Care of Toronto

12 July 2011

On Monday July 11, we began running a city-wide public engagement campaign called “Taking Care of Toronto.” 

Ads and special events throughout the city will help educate the public by showcasing many of the valuable services that CUPE Local 79 members perform. The campaign will continue through the fall as part of our union’s ongoing effort to fight for and represent our members.

To mirror the campaign, we also set up a website that you can browse: click here to check it out.

Take a look at our public engagement campaign at Dundas Square

On July 21 at Dundas Square, Local 79 took its public engagement team and set up an instant park in a bus shelter, did yoga on the sidewalks, let members of the public shoot hoops, created a chalk drawing of a 3D pool at Dundas Square and took over the electronic billboard monitors to show our ads and the new CUPE Local 79 logo. All to represent the valuable services our members create for the city.

It was an extraordinarily successful campaign with a lot of excitement and public interest.  Take a look at the photos of the event below.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.