Dear Local 79 Sisters and Brothers at Bridgepoint Hospital:
Here’s some good news for our members in the Service Unit who were laid off in September 2010 and were on recall. The members affected by this lay-off have been offered permanent positions in the new hospital.
April 14, 2013 is Moving Day to the new hospital. To help support the hospital and assist patients on moving day, a Memorandum of Agreement has been reached for employees, who are not already scheduled to work that day, to help with the move. As per the Memorandum the hospital has posted an Expression of Interest seeking employees to work on Sunday, April 14th.
The Local 79 TCHC Bargaining Committee is in negotiations with the employer and applied to the Provincial Ministry of Labour for conciliation. A Conciliation Officer has been appointed. While bargaining has not reached an impasse, we were concerned with the opening bargaining proposals presented by TCHC. Local 79 will continue to bargain with TCHC in an effort to achieve a settlement. We are asking all members of Local 79 to be prepared to show solidarity with Local 79 members at TCHC.
As the Labour movement faces serious challenges, including threats to bargaining rights, Local 79 remains committed to working in solidarity in CUPE and with other Unions. In February, Local 79 participated in CUPE’s first national bargaining conference in Ottawa. This conference focused on the challenging landscape for collective bargaining, and developing strategies for moving forward. Also, Local 79 was well represented along with 700 other Union members at the Toronto and York Region Labour Council’s special event on Defending Workers Rights earlier this month. The threat from the Harper (and Hudak) agenda to introduce American-style so-called Right-to-Work legislation represents some of the most serious attacks that Canadian workers have ever had to face. Both conferences stressed the need to continue efforts to communicate and engage with members.
We are reminding you to take advantage of the preferred provider partnership that Local 79 and Loblaws have entered into which provides Local 79 members significant discounts on drug and vision care costs, (including no out of pocket expenses on dispensing fees for City of Toronto members with benefits). Members can get more information by typing ‘discount’ into the search box of our website at
Last month, I wrote letters to Premier Wynne, to the Chair of Metrolinx, and to the Chair and members of the City’s Planning and Growth Management Committee to express Local 79’s strong opposition to road tolls and congestion charges. For drivers who opt to incur the cost, the resulting sudden leap in their cost of living would force them to tighten their spending on other items. For those unable to afford the tolls or charges, the forced switch to more congested streets or public transit would only increase the burden on an already overloaded system. The levying of road tolls and congestion charges would not be fair and on behalf of Local 79 I urged all parties to oppose both. See for full letters.
Members of COPE Local 343 working for Porter Airlines at the Toronto Island Airport have been on strike for a first contract since January 10, 2013. COPE is asking the public to show their backing for the striking workers by cancelling their flights with Porter and boycotting the airline. Thank you to our Local 79 members who joined us in support of our COPE sisters and brothers at the recent Solidarity Rally. For more information, see
This year’s International Women’s Day Rally and March was a huge success as thousands of women, and men, marched under sunny skies to celebrate in solidarity with women all around the world. It was great to meet and chat with all the Local 79 members, and everyone else, who visited our Local 79 table in the O.I.S.E. lobby beforehand. Thanks especially to our Local 79 brothers who came out to support their Union sisters.
Since 1966, the 21st of March has been recognized by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Local 79 believes in respect, equality and diversity for all people, which is why we have an Equity Vice-President on our Executive to deal with equity and human rights issues. On March 21st, let us recommit ourselves to the elimination of racism and discrimination wherever and whenever they occur. (Please visit the Local 79 website for additional information)
In Solidarity,
Tim Maguire
President, CUPE Local 79