Dear Local 79 Sisters and Brothers at TCHC:
Local 79 will be asking you to partake in various campaigns this year. Firstly, we could be just weeks away from a potential Provincial Election and Local 79 members must be prepared to get engaged and fight for the continuation of our rights in the workplace. At the beginning of March, Local 79 was represented at the Toronto and York Region Labour Council and the Ontario Federation of Labour Leadership Meetings about the dangers of Hudak’s anti-worker plans. The Municipal Election is in October, and we must work hard with our allies to elect a Mayor and City Councillors who respect you and support the services you provide.
The Local 79 TCHC Bargaining Committee is in the final stages of preparing the Collective Agreement for publishing. We hope to make it available soon on our website and in hard copy. The new Part-Time appendices will be contained in the Full-Time Collective Agreement.
TCHC all staff meetings were held in February and I was in attendance along with Local 79 Representatives. Management presented a number of items and answered questions from staff.
Congratulations and welcome to Local 79’s new Recreation Workers Unit Officer, Alexandra Pinosa, who will complete the 2012 – 2014 term of office. Alexandra was elected to the interim position at the February General Membership Meeting.
Local 79 recently wrote to the Ministry of Education, Early Years Division to make a submission expressing our concerns about proposals to amend Regulation 262 under the Day Nurseries Act. Any proposals on modernizing child care in Ontario must be focused on raising the bar on quality indicators such as group size, child-staff ratios, ECE requirements, and play-based learning environments.
I would like to remind you that Local 79 provides a number of services for our membership. Representatives are available to provide expert advice on WSIB (workers’ compensation), health and safety, and benefits. If you need help with WSIB claims, occupational health and safety issues, long-term disability benefits, or health and dental benefits, our dedicated personnel can offer assistance. For WSIB and disability questions, call (416) 977-1629, ext. 227 or 233; for health and safety questions, call (416) 977-1629, ext. 236 or 239; for questions regarding your health and dental benefits, call (416) 977-1629 ext. 226.
The extraordinary life of Nelson Mandela was honoured in an event organized by the Local 79 Human Rights Committee to celebrate the conclusion of Black History Month 2014. In partnership with CUPE Local 4400 and the City of Toronto, a number of guest speakers were invited to reflect on their personal memories of this great man during his several visits to Toronto. (Please visit our website for additional details.)
This year’s International Women’s Day Rally and March was a huge success as thousands of women, and men, marched to celebrate in solidarity with women all around the world. It was great to meet and chat with all the Local 79 members, and everyone else, who visited our Local 79 table in the O.I.S.E. lobby beforehand. Thanks especially to our Local 79 Brothers who came out to support their Union Sisters.
Since 1966, the 21st of March has been recognized by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Local 79 believes in respect, equality and diversity for all people, which is why we have an Equity Vice-President on our Executive to deal with equity and human rights issues. On March 21st, let us recommit ourselves to the elimination of racism and discrimination wherever and whenever they occur. (Please visit the Local 79 website for additional information)
We work hard at Local 79 to get our members special offers and savings from different businesses in Toronto. Please visit the Members’ Portal from the Local 79 website to find out the latest information on companies that want Local 79 members as customers, and are offering us discounts as an incentive.
In Solidarity,
Tim Maguire