May 2013 President's Report (Bridgepoint Hospital)
Dear Local 79 Sisters and Brothers at Bridgepoint Hospital:
In recognition of the recent celebration of Nursing Week, on behalf of the Executive of Local 79 I’d like to thank Local 79 nurses at Bridgepoint Hospital for your dedication and commitment to the health and well-being of the residents of Bridgepoint Hospital. Local 79 is proud of our nurses and provided cake for them at the Nursing Week festivities. I hope you enjoyed these celebrations and know that you have our respect and thanks every week of the year for all your hard work!
Local 79 First-Vice President Nancy Murphy sent a letter to Mayor Ford and the members of his Executive Committee regarding an item on the April meeting agenda on Quality Jobs, Living Wages and Fair Wages in Toronto. Local 79 warned the committee against the increasing level of precarious employment in Toronto, and asked the City not to take part in creating that type of work by facilitating the contracting out of cleaning services. The committee deferred this agenda item until July 2013.
Local 79 First-Vice President Nancy Murphy, Chief Steward David Kidd, and Treasurer Lily Chang gave individual letters to Mayor Ford and the members of his Executive Committee at the special meeting called in April to discuss the proposal for a new casino and convention development in Toronto. Their comments focused on specific concerns raised by Local 79 members working in Toronto Public Health, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and Toronto Employment and Social Services. (To read their letters, please go to the Local 79 website.)
A very sad anniversary was marked recently. It was ten years ago that severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) first appeared in Toronto. From February 23, 2003, to June 7, 2003, 387 people in Toronto were infected with SARS and 44 of them died. On April 23, 2003 the World Health Organization issued a travel advisory for Toronto. (See Local 79 website for additional information)
The month of May provides several occasions to celebrate the rich diversity of Local 79 and the City of Toronto. May is Asian Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month in Ontario, and May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia. (Please see the Local 79 website for more details.)
The Local 79 Annual Retirees’ Recognition and Awards Tea will be held on Thursday, June 13th. This event recognizes the contribution of our active retirees, and is an opportunity for Local 79 to express our appreciation for their efforts. Our retirees always tell us how much they enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new ones at this event.
Keep these dates open for Local 79 summer social activities:
- Saturday, June 22nd is Local 79’s first “Old Fashioned” Picnic which promises to be a great fun-filled day in High Park. Bring your family and enjoy!
- On July 24th and 25th we will be returning to Wild Water Kingdom for one of Local 79’s most popular summer events for the whole family, Local 79’s Annual Summer Picnic. (See enclosed flyer for information on both events)
Applications are now being accepted for the Rudy Draxl Memorial Scholarship and the Stan Dalton Memorial Scholarship. (See Local 79 website for information)
In Solidarity,
Tim Maguire