
Discounts for Local 79 members

12 December 2013

Hop onboard Local 79’s discount program!  We’ve got companies that want Local 79 members as customers, and are offering us discounts as an incentive. We started the program months ago with discounts on prescriptions from Loblaws’ drug stores, and now we’ve added three more companies:

  • Perkopolis – an membership discount portal where you can access a list of more discounts. Their line-up ranges from electronics to theatre tickets to hotels!
  • Zipcar – an autoshare company, is offering a special discounted rate on its membership.
  • Softmoc – an online shoe shop, is offering Local 79 members an immediate 10% discount.

 The offers and discount codes are waiting for you in the Members’ Portal. Don’t forget that with some of these offers you may need to bring your Local 79 membership card when shopping!

CUPE Local 79 has no relationship with the companies offering discounts and does not endorse them. Local 79 cannot guarantee these offers or their accuracy, and accepts no responsibility for their content.