
International Day Against Homophobia

15 May 2012

International Day against Homophobia will be celebrated in 2012 on Thursday May 17th and this year’s campaign theme is ‘Sexual diversity in the workplace, it pays off!’ According to the campaign website, the purpose of this year’s campaign theme is, to point out the positive aspects of sexual diversity in the workplace as well as its benefits for employers, companies, institutions and workers alike. Local 79 strongly supports the goal that all workplaces must be welcoming places, open to sexual diversity, so that all workers are given a chance to reach their full potential.

May 17th is symbolic due to its significance in improving the status of gays and lesbians. It is the anniversary of the date on which the World Health Organization (WHO) put an end to over a century of homophobia in the medical field, by removing homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. The Declaration of Montréal (July 29, 2006), borne out of the International Conference on LGBT Rights that preceded the first World Outgames, recommended the worldwide recognition of an International Day Against Homophobia on May 17th of each year.

This special day, which is dedicated to fighting against homophobia in our communities, was initiated by Fondation Emergence and its partners to combat the prejudices and negative attitudes that some Canadians still have towards homosexuals. The Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition, the Department of Justice (Canada), and Heritage Canada are among the many sponsors of National Day against Homophobia.

Local 79 recognizes that discrimination, in any form, focuses on characteristics that make us different. This reduces our capacity to work together to achieve decent wages, safe working conditions and justice in the workplace.

While we cannot fix the problem of homophobia in our country overnight, Local 79 realizes that taking a day to acknowledge and raise awareness about the discrimination faced by gay, lesbian, transgender and transsexual Canadians, will in time have significant impact on attitudes and treatments towards all peoples.

Local 79 is proud to be included with the many labour groups and community organizations across the country that recognize and support this important day. Since May 2006, when the Mayor responded to a request from Local 79 to proclaim May 17th as International Day against Homophobia in Toronto, this important date has been included every year in the Mayor’s proclamations. The current Mayor has proclaimed May 17th 2012, as “Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia in Toronto”.