Dear Local 79 Sisters and Brothers:
Effective January 1, 2013, all Local 79 members working for the City of Toronto, with the exception of members in Long Term Care Homes and Services Part-Time Unit, will receive an increase of 0.5%, and a 1.5% lump sum payment on gross regular pay. This was negotiated with the City in 2012 as part of the current Collective Agreements.
An arbitration date has now been scheduled for July 2013 for the Long Term Care Homes and Services Part-Time Unit Collective Agreement. Local 79 has been working hard to prepare for the arbitration, and we have met with the City to begin to identify and establish outstanding issues. The current Collective Agreement continues to apply, with some notable exceptions: benefits and shifts have been reduced, as per the Full-Time Collective Agreement. We will provide you with updated information as soon as it is available.
Prior to the recent release of the City’s Recreation Service Plan, Local 79 and community partners established RecreationWorks! a campaign to build awareness and support for greater investment in City recreation programming. There are a number of positive elements to the report, including several recommendations that mirror what the campaign has been hearing from people concerned about the City’s recreation programs. While the report certainly has room for further improvement, it does give rise to cautious optimism. Along with a growing number of community partners, RecreationWorks! will be recommending earlier investment than called for in the report. Sign the petition at
The Consultant’s Report on Museums is expected this month. Local 79 has met with our members who deliver Cultural Services, and provided input to the Consultant, Lord Cultural Services.
As the 2013 City Budget process approaches, Local 79 will be engaging with members and looking for your support while we vigorously campaign against any cuts to services, or contracting-out. Local 79 will be holding Budget Mobilization/Education Sessions the week of December 10th.
- Monday, December 10 — East York Civic Centre – 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
- Tuesday, December 11 — Etobicoke Civic Centre – Council Chambers 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
- Thursday, December 13 — Chestnut Residence and Conference Centre – Colony East Room, 5:00 – 8:00 pm
- Friday, December 14 — Scarborough Civic Centre – Council Chambers 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
City Council recently endorsed the Special Working Group’s report “Putting People First, Transforming Toronto Community Housing” and its proposal to retain 564 of Toronto Community Housing’s 619 single-family homes, with 55 houses sold to fund repairs to TCH housing. This decision reflects a significant victory for the many hundreds of tenants whose homes have now been saved.
Local 79 wrote recently to the City regarding the extending of office hours at Toronto Employment and Social Services (TESS). We have asked that the Division extend a significant measure of flexibility. We are advocating that members who are willing and able to do so, volunteer for the extended office hours, thus allowing others to fulfill their family care responsibilities.
Local 79 recently hosted an interactive telephone town hall meeting for TCHC members as we prepare for bargaining. This gave us an opportunity to hear from our members about the issues that matter most to them. Thank you to everyone who participated so enthusiastically.
Earlier this month, Local 79 wrote to the Mayor and members of his Executive Committee to express our opposition to the City’s proposal to close the Toronto Energy Conservation Fund and the Toronto Green Energy Fund. Please see our letters section for more information.
CUPE Local 79 Campaign – Protect Your Rights! Please volunteer for this campaign to fight against potential legislation affecting our right to collective bargaining. Please log into the Members’ Portal ( and click on Events to register.
Local 79 is urging all our Durham members to vote and volunteer for Larry O’Connor, NDP candidate in the Federal by-election on Monday November 26. We are also asking all Local 79 members to contribute to our “Orange Aid Campaign” so that the Federal NDP can continue to protect our members and our valued public services. A $64 donation to the Durham NDP will cost you only $16 after tax credits – the cost of the infamous room-service orange juice, ordered by the former Tory MP for Durham. (More information at
Local 79 would like to extend our sincere thanks to former Executive Board member Doug Jones for his many years of dedicated service to Local 79 members. Congratulations and welcome to Rebecca Jageshar, who was recently elected to the interim Executive Board position to complete the 2012 – 2014 term of office.
Congratulations to Alexandra Pinosa, this year’s winner of the Rudy Draxl Memorial Scholarship, and Jelena Tanic, this year’s winner of the Stan Dalton Memorial Scholarship. These awards, worth $500.00, are awarded on the basis of a written essay submitted by the applicants. Alexandra is the daughter of Local 79 Treasurer Lily Chang, and Jelena is the daughter of Local 79 member Milica Tanic.
December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada. Human Rights Day is observed by the international community every year on December 10th. (Please go to the Local 79 website for additional information).
In Solidarity,
Tim Maguire