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Toronto Community Housing Workers Support Strike Mandate

04 July 2017

TORONTO, ONTARIO — Workers at the Toronto Community Housing Corporation represented by CUPE Local 79 have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike mandate. Local 79 has been negotiating a new contract with TCHC since October.
“We are bargaining for good, stable jobs that support delivering great services to TCHC tenants,” said Tim Maguire, president of Local 79, “but many of TCHC’s proposals seek the exact opposite; to create unstable jobs and place the burden of TCHC’s money problems on the backs of its frontline workers. That’s going to make the services tenants receive worse.”
Maguire commented that a strike mandate is an important tool to help encourage bargaining to move forward, and would only be used as a last resort. “I’m hopeful that we can negotiate a fair agreement with TCHC that supports workers delivering the services tenants need and deserve.”

  • Katrina Miller

  • Tor Sandberg