Women and low income families will bear the brunt
Toronto – Ann Dembinski, President of CUPE Local 79, presented at Toronto’s Executive Committee today calling on Mayor Ford to keep his promise not to make major cuts to city services.
“Mayor Ford guaranteed during last year’s municipal election that he would not make major cuts to services. So we expect him to keep his promise and turn down the options from KPMG calling for service cuts,” Dembinski stated.
President Dembinski stressed that low income families and women would bear the brunt of many of the KPMG options such as eliminating childcare and selling off the City’s Long Term Care Homes to the private-for-profit sector.
“Like Mike Harris before him, who downloaded costs onto the city, Rob Ford is now downloading costs onto families and that will mean families pay more for privatized services or go without,” said Dembinski.
Dembinski reminded Ford that the very services and programs the City provides are what makes Toronto’s residents quality of life admired and attracts business.
“This ideologically driven mania to slash and burn City services will create long term damage to the great reputation Toronto has around the world,” added Dembinski.
For more information contact:
Tor Sandberg
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79
416-977-1629 (X509)