
Training on lock-down procedures for City of Toronto and City Council Members’ staff

12 July 2019

After a spate of lock-downs at City of Toronto workplaces where insufficient information was provided to staff, City Councillors Bradford and McKelvie brought a motion forward to City Council requesting training for all staff on lock-down procedures. Local 79 President Dave Mitchell sent a letter to Council supporting the motion, and asking that CUPE Local 79 be included as a key partner on the implementation of this training.

Marilyn Toft
City Council Secretariat
12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
July 12, 2019
Dear Council,
MM9.24 Training on lock-down procedures for City of Toronto and City Council Members’ staff
The lock-down at City Hall on July 3, 2019 was a frightening event for many of our members. We heard from CUPE Local 79 members working at City Hall who were confused about the lack of information and unsure about the protocol for hold and secure, shelter-in-place, and full lock-downs.
In the days immediately following the lock-down, we conducted a survey of our Health and Safety Representatives working at City Hall to hear their perspective. Our Health and Safety Representatives shared that they have not received any training on lock-downs procedures. The information they had during the lock-down came from CP24, not from official channels, and none of our members were asked about their wellbeing after the lock-down. It is clear that the City needs to step up its staff training and communication during times of crisis.
Local 79 is supportive of Councillor Bradford and Councillor McKelvie’s member motion at City Council to make training opportunities and resource materials on emergency response procedures available to all City staff. As the union representing the majority of City of Toronto workers, Local 79 should be part of this process. We would like to see any motion requesting training for City staff on this important topic include a directive to include Local 79 as a key partner.
Thank you for recognizing the need for training and resources for City staff. Local 79 looks forward to working with the City to improve safety for all City of Toronto staff.
David Mitchell
Cc.        Councillor Brad Bradford, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Suite B28
Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Suite B25