Local 79 is run by its members, for its members. The Executive Committee, which makes day-to-day decisions that affect the union, is elected by the membership through a mail-in vote every three years.
Local 79 also has 14 Executive Officers at Large. Like the Executive Committee, they’re elected by the entire Local 79 membership rather than specific bargaining units. Their job includes reviewing and approving recommendations from the Executive Committee as well as approving expenditures, which occurs at monthly meetings of the Executive Board. Approved recommendations and expenditures are brought forward to General Membership Meetings for approval by the membership. Executive Officers at Large also contribute significantly to Local 79’s many Standing and Special Committees.
Jason Desjardins
Rosemarie Edwards
Mary Grace Marquez
Lisa Jaipaulsingh
Muthiah KanagasundaramTrish MacKenzie
Tim Maguire
Rita Marchese
Melinda McClean
Brianna Plummer
Lorraine Solomon
Shlomit Segal
Chris Spataro
Carla Wallbridge
416 977-9546
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